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  • Outsourcing to Nathson & Associates is your way to level up with the competition even surpass them to become the employer of choice.

  • Now more than ever you must do more to attract and retain key talent. Can you process pay advances? Can you recruit employees without a face-to-face interview? .

  • Can you process leave administration electronically? Are you expert on state and labor labor rules? Are you still rounding off employee work hours? .

Our Services

Payroll Automatic payroll tax calculation
Tax filing
W-2 and 1099 processing
Tax payments
Direct deposits
Verified federal returns -filed quarterly
Federal and state unemployment tax returns
Tax legislation monitoring.
Recruiting and On-Boarding Positions can be automatically uploaded to the Company’s website and popular job boards. Candidates are sent calendars to schedule interviews. Alternatively candidates can self interview by recording their answers to your interview questions for you to evaluate at a later time; Background checks are performed electronically; onboarding takes place via videos and required documents can be uploaded electronically.
Time & Attendance Team members can automatically clock in when their phones are near their designated work area. Corrections can be made and approved promptly without costly delays. We measure precise and accurate number of hours worked. No more guesswork or rounding off employees’ time. More importantly full compliance with state and federal Department of Labor regulations.
Scheduling Now all team members can access their work schedules in advance and can use their phones of tablets to swap shifts with a co-worker or request time-off. The scheduler will optimize labor costs by shifting work to lower paid employees where possible, manage overtime and make group announcements.
Performance Management Create a culture of continuous improvement, by bringing KPIs, dashboards and gamification into a single platform built for better performance. Employees can see important KPIs in real-time. We also build dashboards for directors and managers for a higher-level view of arrival patterns, performance, snd a real-time view of how their employees are doing.
Training & Development Manual training programs struggle to keep pace with the rapid changes in today’s business climate. Older methods of training can no longer keep pace to provide what teams need to stay competitive and upskill for the future.

• Training administrators need a more efficient way to reach distributed teams with personalized training.
• Nathson provide pathways to on-demand, virtual webinars offering the same valuable content as lengthy, expensive, in-person seminars.
• Employees can access self-paced training content from multiple sources and not wait wait for content materials to be sent to them or assigned.
• Nathson gives employees opportunities to discover new skills and interests, instead of HR assigning everything they should learn.
Leave Administration We develop and maintain leave administration programs that include annual leave, sick leave, the Family and Medical Leave Act, Federal leave sharing programs, military leave, and time off for special circumstances - e.g., early dismissal or closure for weather emergencies; bereavement, Organ Donor leave.

• Bereavement Leave
• Blood/Bone Marrow/Organ Donation Leave
• Court Attendance/ Witness Leave
• Crime Victims' Leave
• Domestic/ Sexual Violence Victims' Leave
• Election Officials' Leave
• Family and Medical Leave
• Family Military Leave
• Jury Duty Leave
• Legislative/ Political Leave
• Military Service/ Veterans' Leave
• Paid Family Leave
• Paid Sick Leave
• Pregnancy Disability Leave
• Public Health Emergency (Quarantine/ Isolation) Leave
• School Activities/ Visitation Leave
• Volunteer Emergency Responder Leave
• Voting Leave
• Additional Leave Protections
FSA A Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (also known as a flexible spending arrangement) is a special account you put money into that you use to pay for certain out-of-pocket health care costs on a tax-advantaged basis.

You don’t pay taxes on this money. This means you’ll save an amount equal to the taxes you would have paid on the money you set aside.

Employers may make contributions to your Healthcare FSA, but aren’t required to do so

• Contributions to a Healthcare FSAs are limited to $2,750 per year per employer. If you’re married, your spouse can put up to $2,750 in an FSA with their employer too.
• You can use funds in your FSA to pay for certain medical and dental expenses for you, your spouse if you’re married, and your dependents.
o You can spend FSA funds to pay deductibles and copayments, but not for insurance premiums.
o You can spend FSA funds on prescription medications, as well as over-the-counter medicines with a doctor's prescription. Reimbursements for insulin are allowed without a prescription.
o FSAs may also be used to cover costs of medical equipment like crutches, supplies like bandages, and diagnostic devices like blood sugar test kits.

• A limited purpose FSA is designed for employees who also contribute to an HSA. The Limited Purpose FSA is limited to dental and vision plan expenses. Health care expenses are deductible through the HSA for the periods in which an employee contributes to an HSA.

FSA Dependent Care

A Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA) is a pre-tax benefit account used to pay for eligible dependent care services such as preschool, summer day camp, before or after school programs, and child or adult daycare. It's a smart, simple way to save money while taking care of your loved ones so that you can continue to work.

Dependent Care FSA Eligible Expenses
• Care for your child who is under age 13
o Before and after school care.
o Babysitting and nanny expenses.
o Day care, nursery school, and preschool.
o Summer day camp.
• Care for your spouse or a relative who is physically or mentally incapable of self-care and lives in your home.
ACA Reporting Employer mandate overview Employers must offer health insurance that is affordable and provides minimum value to 95% of their full-time employees and their children up to the end of the month in which they turn age 26, or be subject to penalties. This is known as the employer mandate. It applies to employers with 50* or more full-time employees, and/or full-time equivalents (FTEs). Employees who work 30 or more hours per week are considered full-time.

Employer mandate overview
Affordable coverage

Coverage is considered affordable if employee contributions for employee-only coverage do not exceed a certain percentage of an employees household income (9.78% in 2020 and 9.83% in 2021).

Based on IRS safe harbors, coverage is affordable if the cost of self-only coverage is less than the indexed percentage of the following:

• Employee's W-2 wages (reduced by any salary reductions under a 401(k) plan or cafeteria plan)
• Employee's monthly wages (hourly rate x 130 hours per month), OR
• Federal Poverty Level for a single individual

In applying wellness incentives to the employee contributions used to determine affordability, assume that each employee earns all wellness incentives related to tobacco use, but no other wellness incentives.

Minimum value

A plan provides minimum value if it pays at least 60% of the cost of covered services(deductibles, copays and coinsurance). The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services has developed a minimum value calculator that can be used to determine if a plan provides minimum value.


Two provisions of the Affordable Care Act apply only to applicable large employers (ALEs): the employer shared responsibility provision and the employer information reporting provision for offers of minimum essential coverage. In addition, self-insured ALEs – that is, employers who sponsor self-insured group health plans – have additional provider information reporting requirements.

Employers must determine their ALE status each calendar year based on the average size of their workforce during the prior year. Employers that had at least 50 full-time employees, including full-time equivalent employees, on average last year, are most likely an ALE for the current year.

Controlled Group/Common Ownership
Certain employer aggregation rules apply in determining whether an employer is an ALE subject to the employer information reporting provisions. Under those rules, all employers treated as a single employer under Internal Revenue Code section 414(b), (c), (m), or (o) are treated as one employer for purposes of determining ALE status.The employers that comprise the Aggregated ALE Group are each referred to as ALE Members.

The employer information reporting requirements are applied separately to each Aggregated ALE Group Member comprising the ALE, consistent with the approach used to determine any assessable payment. For example, each ALE Member is liable for its own information reporting requirements, and is not liable for the information reporting requirements of any other entity in the controlled group comprising the Aggregated ALE Group.

Nathson has the technology you need and the security and reliability your business demands.

HIPAA Tablet


Certification is an attestation - issued by a third-party body, through a formal conformity assessment process - that specified requirements in IT security have been met.

We use secure socket layering to encrypt personal data including credit card information used to pay medical expenses before it is transmitted over the Web.  SSL technology is the industry standard for secure online transactions.

  • It ensures that our site is safe and secure from cyber-attacks.

  • It identifies our website as a safe and secure site to our customers, thereby helping us to maintain and increase traffic.

Give Your Employees
A Better HR Experience

health recordsSimple, Secure, And Compliant

In our system employees can access more of their HR data and can get timely alerts and reminders to participate fully to enhance their HR experience.

healthGive Your Employees Better HR Management Options

Allow your employees to become better stewards of their HR, have a better understanding of their HR Policies, and see what feedback employer have about them. Our system is easy to use by employees and it also protects their privacy.